Monday 11 February 2013

Les Misérables with Tina.

This is just an amazing movie! But my god! It's too fecking long!
(My opinion)
Like alot of many others out there, I was looking forward to this movie adaptation of the live musical. And to my surprise the week it comes out... alot of people didn't like it! O_O Wow! So together with the lovely Tina, we decided to watch the movie to see what's good and what's bad about it. And... We both loved it! Yep, nothing wrong with this movie... exept... It's nearly 3 hours long, Russel Crowe's singing (Bless him for trying, tho.) and there's no dialogue at all in the movie. (Tina's opinion.) The movie maybe a long one, but it's deffently worth your time and money. Because the atmosphere in some scenes is truely brilliant! Like the opening with Jean Valjean and the prisoners singing, while pulling a whole ship into dock is just... O_O My god.... And the movie just builds and builds to an epic and truely memberble movie. I will say I have to agree with some people, that there should have been a bit more dialogue to at least build the songs up more, and to have given the audience a bit of a breather after a song. All and all, I loved this movie and not only is the musical one of my all time favrouties, but now the movie is one of my all time personal favourite movies of all time.
(Tina's opinion)
 Les Misérables was a brilliant movie! I love musicals; I would even say I’m a musical fan (lol). But to be honest, Les Misérables wasn’t one of my favourites, but after watching it with the classic Mr. Whalley; I think I believe I could add it to one of my top favourites. This musical blown me away! The songs were brilliant; the story itself was amazing and most of all......the Cast for this movie!!!! OMG!!! Just Brilliant!!! I mean Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried and (my 2 favourite people) Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen. I can’t even think of any other actors who can play as better as these actors could. I do have 3 dislikes about the musical; the first one is that the movie is way too long, I even yawn a few times (my apologies, lol), the second is (bless him for trying) Russell Crowe’s singing and the third is there’s no dialogue in this movie. But over all I give this musical a 7/10.
Well that's it for us guys, so join us next time for...
Oh yes... This will be fun.

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